7 應(yīng)該選green
8 問明天天氣 應(yīng)該選rain
9 問女的什么時候看expo 應(yīng)該選Thursday
10 問女的上班的交通工具 應(yīng)該選 by bus
11 問who has the CD now?應(yīng)該選Alice
12 問why David 會late ?應(yīng)該是 watch the football match with his classmates
13 問where does this dialogue take place? 根據(jù)推斷應(yīng)在restaurant
14 問how many guest 來了?應(yīng)該是80的一半 選forty
15 問whatwill they do this weekend? 應(yīng)該是go skating
16 問what does the woman mean? 應(yīng)該是覺得boring dull之類的