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2017中考英語閱讀理解訓練:never give it up
In order to learn to be one?s true self, it is necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done in the world; critically to inquire into it; carefully to consider it; clearly to analyze it; and earnestly to carry it out.
It matters not what you learn, but when you once learn a thing, you must never give it up until you have mastered it. It matters not what you inquire into, but when you once inquire into a thing, you must never give it up until you have thoroughly understood it. It matters not what you try to think of, but when you once try to think of a thing, you must never give it up until you have got what you want. It matters not what you try to carry out, but when you once try to carry out a thing, you must never give it up until you have done it thoroughly and well.
If another man succeeds by one effort, you will use a hundred efforts. If another man succeeds by ten efforts, you will use a thousand.
56. According to the author, first of all one must______.
A. analyze
B. inquire
C. obtain
D. act
57. When you try to do something, what matters is _______.
A. not to care too much about it
B. to act immediately
C. to think carefully before you do it
D. to carry it through to the end
58. According to the author, anther man?s success should ____.
A.encourage us to make greater efforts
B. not be taken into consideration
C. make us nervous
D. cause one to stop trying
59. the author implies but does not say that__________.
A.the way to knowledge is through specialization
B.one has to know everything to be successful
C.success depends not so much on natural ability as it does on effort
D. success in one?s profession is least important in one?s life
參考答案:56---59 CDAC