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2017-05-10 15:03:21  來源:上海愛智康



— — 學(xué)而思初中課程在線預(yù)約 — —


免費學(xué)習(xí)診斷 精品5人班 99元體驗課



  A.Listen and choose the right picture

  1. Linda often helps her parents with the housework after meals.

  2. Mum, what should we buy for Dad, a shirt or a coat?

  3. Mary was reading her favorite book from 7 to 9 last night.

  4. Don't cut down the trees, Fred, Birds live there.

  5. The members of the art club are having a drawing lesson now.

  6. On the top of the building, tourists can enjoy a nice view of the city.

  B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear

  7. W: Did you have a holiday in April?

  M: No, I was busy at that time. I had a holiday in May.

  Q: When did the man have the holiday?

  8. W: You are interested in sports, aren't you?

  M: Yes. I go swimming once a week and play tennis twice a month.

  Q: How often does the man go swimming?

  9. M: Shall we take a bus or the underground?

  W: The stop is a bit far and I'm too tired to walk. I want to get a taxi home.

  M: All right.

  Q: How are they going home?

  10. M:Which tie is better for my new shirt, the brown one or the blue one?

  W: Neither. The red one looks best on you. Believe me, Sam.

  Q: Which tie does the woman think is the best?

  11. W: Are you doing anything tonight?

  M: Nothing special . Watching TV, I suppose. There is a football match.

  W: What about going to the cinema for a change?

  M: Good idea!

  Q: What are they going to do tonight?

  12. M: So many cars here! Where's ours?

  W: um. I'd parked it next to a white car before we had coffee.

  M: Oh yes. It's over there.

  Q: Where does the dialogue probably take place?

  13. W: Have a look at our new jeans, please. They've just arrived and they are on sale.

  M: Uh.. Thanks. I will let you know if I need help.

  Q: What's the woman's job?

  14. M: Have you finished reading SUPER HERO?

  W: Yes I enjoyed every page of it. It's so exciting.

  Q: What are the two speakers probably talking about?

  15. W: I'm sorry, Mr Wilson. I got up early but the bus was late.

  M: Your bus is always late, Jane.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  16. M: What're you going to do after you leave school, Grace?

  W: I'm going to study painting.

  M: Your parents want you to be an artist, don't they?

  W: Yes, they do. But I'm not good at it. I just paint for fun.

  Q: Why is Grace going to study painting?

  C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false

  Jack was a hardworking businessman. He worked as a manager in a big company. He was responsible for the sales department. He was so busy that he sometimes took work home to do. One day, Jack had to prepare for a meeting. So he took some work home to complete. While he was working, his 5-year-old son, Tim, came to talk to him every few minutes. He had to stop working and he couldn't focus. After several such breaks, Jack got an idea. He foun d that there was a map of the world in the evening paper. He showed the map to Tim. Then he cut it into pieces and told Tim to put the map together again. He thought this would keep Tim busy for a long time and he could complete his work. However, in about 4 minutes, Tim excitedly told Jack he had finished the task. Jack was surprised and asked the boy how he had done it so quickly. Tim said, "There was a picture of a man on the other side of the newspaper. So I just turned it over and put the man together. When I got the man right , the world was right.

  D.Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences

  One day, Charlie and his family were on their way to the Country Park. "Look! Dad." said Charlie, "The driver and I have the same watch." He ran up to the bus driver. "Look! Mrdriver, I have a nice watch. It's the same as yours." Charlie's father called him back, "Shh! Charlie. Didn't you notice the sign. It says ' You mustn't talk to the driver while he's driving.' It's dangerous." "Sorry, dad," said Charlie. Half an hour later, they arrived at the Country Park and walked to the top of the hill. There was a beautiful lake. The birds were singing and the sun was shining. Charlie's parents sat down on the grass by the lake and enjoyed themselves. But Charlie felt it was a little boring and asked, "Dad, can I drive my toy car here?" "Not he re, Charlie." said father, "Let's go down to the playground. You can drive it there." Charlie was playing with his toy car happily all afternoon. But when his father said, "Come on, Charlie. It's 5 o'clock. It's time to go home", Charlie kept on driving. "Please, Charlie. Be a good boy!" said his mother. Charlie stopped driving. "But, mum and dad, I'm the driver. Don't you remember the sign on the bus? You mustn't talk to me when my car is moving." "Good drive, Charlie." said father, laughing, "But we have to go home now."


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