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2019-04-08 14:45:32  來(lái)源:中考網(wǎng)








A lot of people drink bottled water in the world. A water bottle offers great convenience. It can be bought almost anywhere, carried around for a while, and then thrown away.    

The influence of bottled water on the environment, however, is very big. About 2.7 million tons of plastic is turned into bottles which are only used once each year. This requires a lot of oil and water. It also produces greenhouse gases. Bottled water is often carried for long distances to reach people who buy it. This uses even more fossil fuels(化石燃料) and creates more pollution. Although the bottles can be recycled, only small parts of them are. The United States only recycles about 23 percent. The rest are part of a growing waste problem.    

Convenience isn't the only reason for bottled water to become popular. Many people believe that it must be cleaner and healthier than tap water from public water systems. But this is not true. In developed countries such as the United States and some countries in Europe, laws about safe water are often stricter for tap water than for bottled water.    

It may come as a surprise that nearly 40 percent of the water bottled in the United States starts from tap water. Before bottling, some companies filter(過(guò)濾)it, and they might add some things for taste. What's more, bottled water can cost from 240 to 10, 000 times more than tap water.    

“Back to the tap" activities start around the world, In order to save money, use fewer resources, and create less waste, they support using tap water and reusable bottles rather than bottled water. San Francisco and other cities across the United States no longer allow their government departments to buy Many bottled water companies are trying to improve, too. They have reduced the use of plastic in their bottles.    

1. What's the second paragraph mainly about?    

A. The difficulty of transporting the bottles    

B. The advantages of bottled water    

C. The ways to produce bottled water    

D. The problem caused by bottled water    

2. Why is bottled water popular?    

A. Because people think it is the water from nature    

B. Because people think it is convenient and safe    

C. Because people think it is cheaper than tap water    

D. Because people think it can prevent illnesses    

3. The underlined word "them" in paragraph 2 means “________”.    

A. fossil fuels    

B. the bottles    

C. water systems    

D. greenhouse gases    

4. Which of the following is one of the "Back to the tap" activities?    

A. Forbid producing the bottled water    

B. Support using tap water and reusable bottles    

C. Use many resources and create much waste    

D. Use many resources and create little waste    

5. What's the best title for the passage?    

A. “ Back to the tap" activities    

B. Bottled water or tap water?    

C. Let's drink healthy water.    

D. The water in the USA

【答案】1. D    2. B   3. B   4. B  5. B    





細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段的內(nèi)容可知,這一段的中心句是先進(jìn)句話The influence of bottled water on the environment, however, is very big.,在這一段中作者介紹了瓶裝水給環(huán)境帶來(lái)的問(wèn)題。由此可知應(yīng)選D。    


細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)短文先進(jìn)段中A water bottle offers great convenience以及第三段中Many people believe that it must be cleaner and healthier than tap water from public water systems.可知,人們喜歡瓶裝水,是因?yàn)樗麄兎浅5姆奖,而且比自?lái)水更干凈、更健康。由此可知B選項(xiàng)是符合文意的。故選B。    


細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)劃線的這個(gè)詞所在的句子Although the bottles can be recycled, only small parts of them are可知,這里說(shuō)的是盡管瓶子可以回收,但只有一小部分可以回收。這里的them代指的是上句話中的the bottles,瓶子,故應(yīng)選B。    


細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)短文較后一段中In order to save money, use fewer resources, and create less waste, they support using tap water and reusable bottles rather than bottled water.可知,“回到自來(lái)水”這一活動(dòng)支持使用自來(lái)水、可重復(fù)使用的瓶子,而不是瓶裝水。由此可知B選項(xiàng)是正確的,其他三個(gè)選項(xiàng)也同時(shí)可以排除。    



【點(diǎn)睛】這篇短文給我們講述的是瓶裝水現(xiàn)在很受人們的歡迎,但他們卻給環(huán)境帶來(lái)了很多的問(wèn)題。因此現(xiàn)在開始了一些“回到自來(lái)水”的運(yùn)動(dòng)。文章主題明確,邏輯性強(qiáng),閱讀時(shí),要注意抓住文章的主旨,分清文章的結(jié)構(gòu)。后面的題目設(shè)置有細(xì)節(jié)理解題和主旨大意題,細(xì)節(jié)題的答案常可以在原文找到,做題時(shí),要根據(jù)題目所問(wèn),定位到原文相關(guān)地方,搜索有用信息作答。例如第2小題,題目問(wèn)的是瓶裝水流行的原因,這個(gè)答案不只出現(xiàn)在原文的一個(gè)地方,而是兩個(gè)地方,在先進(jìn)段和第三段,根據(jù)這兩段中的內(nèi)容可知,人們喜歡瓶裝水,一個(gè)是因?yàn)樗麄兒芊矫;另一個(gè)原因是他們覺得瓶裝水比自來(lái)水更干凈、更健康,這與B選項(xiàng)中的convenient and safe意思是一致的,故應(yīng)選B。








