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2016-06-23 21:16:43  來源:愛智康








  16. He bought a knife and fork ________.A. to eat B. to eat with C. for eating D. to eat by

  17. The little village which lies ___ the railway for 20 miles is ___the great man was born. A. off; where B. at; when C. to; how D. by; why

  18. The window which hasn’t been cleaned for at least 3 weeks requires ____. Who’d like to take the job?

  A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. being cleaned

  19. Everyone present at the meeting agreed to stick to the ___ that everyone should be treated fairly.A. purpose B. ambition C. principle D. level

  20. After the war, that country ___ their defense works in case of the next unexpected attack.A. raised B. strengthened C. increased D. powered

  21. Great efforts have been ____to improve people’s living conditions in China in the past two years.A. got B. won C. made D. did

  22. When he came back with plenty of money, his father ____ three days before. A. had died B. was dead C. died D. had been dead

  23. The fire was finally ______ after the building had ______ for two hours.

  A. put off; caught fire B. put away; been on fire C. put out; caught fire D. put out; been on fire

  24. He did everything he could _______ the old man. A. to save B. save C. saving D saved

  25.—Shall I give you a hand with this as you are so busy now?—Thank you.__________

  A. Of course you can B. If you like C. it’s up to you D. It couldn’t be better

  26. Everyone has periods in their lives _____ everything seems very hard.A. when B. where C. which D. that

  27. When he heard the news, he hurried home,______ the book ______ on the desk.

  A. leaving; lying open B. to leave; lying open C. left; lying open D. leaving; lying opened

  28. Who do you think he would _____ a letter of congratulation to our monitor?

  A. have written B. have to write C. have write D. have been writing

  29. Taiyuan, _____ in the centre of Shanxi province is a most beautiful city. A. located B. to locate C. locate D. locating

  30. I was told that there were about 50 foreign students _____Chinese in the school, most____were from Germany.

  A. study, of whom B. study, of them C. studying, of them D. studying, of whom

  31. Hurricane brought down a great number of houses, _____ thousands of people homeless.A. to make B. making C. made D. having made

  32. We need clean air, but ___, air pollution is generally present, especially in cities.A. fortunately B. strangely C. sadly D. hopefully

  33. I feel greatly honoured _____ the chance to speak here. I’m feeling very excited.

  A. to give B. to be giving C. to have been given D. to have given

  34.___ two children attending college, the parents have to work really hard to make the ends meet. A. From B. For C. Of D. With

  35. — Sorry to have hurt you the other day. — _____, but don’t do it again.

  A. Forget it B. Don’t mention it C. Don’t worry D. With pleasure

  完型填空(20分) Perhaps the most interesting person I have ever met is an Italian professor of philosophy who teaches at the University of Pisa. 36 I last met this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten his 37 qualities. First of all, I respected his 38 to teaching. Because his lectures were always well-prepared and clearly delivered, students crowded into his classroom. His followers liked the fact that he 39 what he taught Further more, he could be counted on to explain his ideas in an 40 way, introducing such aids (輔助) to 41 as oil paintings, music, and guest lecturers. Once he 42 sang a song in class in order to make a point clear. 43 , I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk with them 44 the telephone. Drinking coffee in the cafe, he would easily make friends with students. Sometimes he would 45 a student to a game of chess (國際象棋) 46 he would join student groups to discuss a variety of 47 : agriculture, diving and mathematics. Many young people visited him in his office for 48 on their studies; others came to his home for social evenings. Finally, I was 49 by his lively sense of humor. He believed that no lesson is a success 50 , during it, the students and the professor 51 at least one loud 52 . Through his sense of humor, he made learning more 53 and more lasting, If it is 54 that life makes a wise man smile and a foolish man cry, 55 my friend is indeed a wise man.

  36. A. Although B. When C. Even if D. Now that 37. A. basic B. special C. common D. particular

  38. A. attention B. introduction C. relation D. Devotion39. A. insisted on B. talked about C. believed in D. agreed with

  40. A. imaginative B. ordinary C. opposite D. open41. A. listening B. understanding C. information D. discovery

  42. A. also B. nearly C. even D. only43. A. Later B. Secondly C. However D. Therefore

  44. A. with B. by C. from D. on45. A. invite B. lead C. prefer D. show

  46. A. As a matter of fact B. Later on C. Other times D. In general47. A. questions B. subjects C. matters D. contents

  48. A. support B. explanation C. experience D. advice49. A. disturbed B. moved C. attracted D. defeated

  50. A. for B. until C. since D. unless 51. A. hear B. suggest C. share D. demand

  52. A. laugh B. cry C. shout D. question53. A. helpful B. enjoyable C. practical D. useful

  54. A. natural B. normalC. hopeful D. true55. A. so B. for C. then D. yet


  A One evening after dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Tisich called a family meeting. “We’ve had to make a difficult decision,” Mr. Tisich announced. “You see, your mother has been offered a post as co-director of a television station in Chicago. Unfortunately, the station is not here. After thinking long and hard about it, we’ve concluded that the right decision is to move to Chicago.” Marc looked shocked, while his sister Rachel breathlessly started asking when they’d be moving. “It’s surprising, but exciting!” she said. Marc simply said, “We can’t go—I can’t leave all my friends. I’d rather stay here and live with Tommy Lyons!” The Tisichs hoped that by the time they moved in August, Marc would grow more accustomed to the idea of leaving. However, he showed no signs of accepting the news, refusing to pack his belongings.

  When the morning of the move arrived, Marc was nowhere to be found. His parents called Tommy Lyons’ house, but Mrs. Lyons said she hadn’t seen Marc. Mrs. Tisich became increasingly concerned, while her husband felt angry with their son for behaving so irresponsibly.

  What they didn’t know was that Marc had started walking over to Tommy’s house, with a faint idea of hiding in Lyons’ attic(閣樓) for a few days. But something happened on the way as Marc walked past all the familiar landscape of the neighborhood: the fence that he and his mother painted, the tree that he and his sister used to climb, the park where he and his father often took evening walks together. How much would these mean without his family, who make them special in the first place? Marc didn’t take the time to answer that question but instead hurried back to his house, wondering if there were any moving cartons(紙板箱)the right size to hold his record collection.

  56. The conflict in this story was caused by___________.

  A. Marc and Rachel’s different tempers B. a quarrel between Tommy Lyons and Marc

  C. Marc’s disagreement with his parents about their move D. Mr. and Mrs. Tisich’s remark of Marc’s irresponsibility

  57. Marc and Rachel’s reactions to the move were similar in the way that both were____________

  A. surprised B. angry and upset C. anxious for more details D. worried about packing

  58. The reason for Marc’s going home was that _________________.

  A. he did not want to be left behind B. he realized his family was essential to him

  C. he hoped to reach an agreement with his parents D. he wished to be a more responsible person

  59. What would most likely happen next?

  A. Marc would bring his records over to the Lyons’s house. B. Mr. and Mrs. Tisich would call the police.

  C. Marc would join his family for house moving. D. Mr. and Mrs. Tisich would start searching for Marc.

  C Deserts are found where there is little rainfall or where rain for a whole year falls in only a few weeks' time. Ten inches of rain may be enough for many plants to survive if the rain is spread throughout the year, If it falls, within one or two months and the rest of the year is dry, those plants may die and a desert may form.

  Sand begins as tiny pieces of rock that get smaller and smaller as wind and weather wear them down. Sand dunes are formed as winds move the sand across the desert. Bit by bit, the dunes grow over the years, always moving with the winds and changing the shape. Most of them are only a few feet tall, but they can grow to be several hundred feet high.

  There is, however, much more to a desert than sand. In the deserts of the southwestern United States, cliffs and deep valleys were formed from thick mud that once lay beneath a sea more than millions of years ago. Over the centuries, the water dried up. Wind, sand, rain, heat and cold all wore away at the remaining rocks. The faces of the desert mountains are always changing—very, very slowly—as these forces of nature continue to work on the rock.

  Most deserts have a surprising variety of life. There are plants, animals and insects that: have adapted to life in the desert. During the heat of the day, a visitor may see very few signs of living things, but as the air begins to cool in the evening, the desert comes to life. As the sun begins to rise again in the sky, the desert once again becomes quiet and lonely.

  60. Many plants may survive in deserts when___________. A. the rain is spread out in a year

  B. the rain falls only in a few weeks C. there is little rain in a year D. it is dry all the year round

  61. Sand dunes are formed when___________. A. sand piles up gradually

  B. there is plenty of rain in a year C. the sea has dried up over the years D. pieces of rock get smaller

  62. The underlined sentence in the third paragraph probably means that in a desert there is____________.

  A. too much sand B. more sand than before C. nothing except sand D. something else besides sand

  63 It can be learned from the text that in a desert____________.A. there is no rainfall throughout the year

  B. life exists in rough conditions C. all sand dunes are a few feet high D. rocks are worn away only by wind and heat

  D When we walk through the city, we all experience a kind of information overload but we pay attention only to those that are important to us. We don’t stop, we keep our faces expressionless and eyes straight ahead, and in doing so, we are not just protecting ourselves but are avoiding overloading other people as well.

  We make use of stereotypes (刻板的模式) as convenient ways to make quick judgements about situations and people around us. They may not always be accurate, and they can often be dangerously wrong, but they are used regularly.

  The problem with the stereotypes is that they restrict experience. By using limited clues to provide us with a rapid opinion of other people or places we may choose to limit our communication. We may decide not to go to certain places because we believe they will not offer something we enjoy.

  In the city, styles of dress are particularly important with regard to self-presentation. Different groups often use clearly identifiable styles of clothes so that they can be easily recognized. It is becoming increasingly common for brand names to be placed on the outside of clothes, and this labeling makes it easy to send out information about fashion and price instantly, and lets others tell at a distance whether an individual has similar tastes and is a suitable person to associate with.

  In England, where social grouping or class continues to make social distinctions(區(qū)分), clothes, hairstyles, people’s pronunciation and the manner of speaking are all clues to our social group. Class distinctions tend to be relatively fixed, although in the city where greater variety is permitted, they are more likely to be secondary determining factors of friendship and association.

  67. People walking in cities ignore the surroundings because __________.

  A. they do not wish to talk to other people B。everyone else is expressionless

  C.the environment is already familiar to them D.there is too much information to take in

  68. According to the passage, the main disadvantage of using stereotypes is that they __________.

  A. are likely to lead us into dangerous situations B.may make us miss some pleasant experience

  C.can rarely be relied on D.make us mentally lazy
