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2018-12-26 11:32:20  來源:無憂考網(wǎng)





  一、單詞:suitcase(復(fù)數(shù))suitcases, arrive(過去式)arrived, live(單三)lives, want(單三)wants,come(現(xiàn)在分詞)coming,five(序數(shù)詞)fifth

  二、 課文重難點(diǎn):

  1. at表示“在某處”,一般指較小的比較具體的地點(diǎn)。如at school 、at home 2. This is “這是某某”這句型在這里用來介紹他人。This is my friend.

  3. want 想要 want to do sth. 想干某事 如:I want to go home.我想回家。

  4. What time is it now? It’s 11:30.現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)了?現(xiàn)在11:30.

  5. Did you have a good trip? Yes,thanks.你旅行愉快嗎?是的,謝謝。

  6. Let’s go home./ Let me help you.讓我們回家。讓我?guī)椭恪?/p>

  7. learn English 學(xué)英語

  Lesson 2 Jenny’s house

  一、單詞:kitchen, room, bathroom, bedroom, living room

  二、 課文重難點(diǎn):

  1. This is / That is / These are/ Here is/ Here are

  2. What’s in the bedroom? 臥室里有什么? 3、second floor 二樓

  Lesson 3 Making breakfast

  一、單詞:refrigerator(fridge), sink水槽,make(現(xiàn)在分詞)making(過去分詞)made, dish(復(fù)數(shù))-dishes,cook(現(xiàn)在分詞)-cooking、stove爐子


  1. Time for breakfast.= It’s time for breakfast.早餐時(shí)間到了。

  2. It’s time for sth./ It’s time to do sth.是做什么的時(shí)間了。

  3. Would like sth./ Would like to do sth.想要什么。想要做什么。

  4. What would you like for breakfast / lunch/supper? I would like…

  5. Breakfast is ready. wash dishes make breakfast/lunch/supper

  6. in the kitchen / refrigerator /sink on the stove / table

  Lesson 4 Making supper

  一、單詞:dry-wet, dirty-clean,eat-ate


  1. What’s for supper?晚餐有什么?

  2. What are you doing? / We are washing hands. 你正在做什么?我們正在洗手。What are they doing?

  3. You can dry your dishes. / The dishes are dry.

  4. Let’s wash the dishes.讓我們洗盤子吧。

  5. May I help you? Sure.我可以幫你嗎?當(dāng)然。

  Lesson 5 In the living room

  一、單詞:watch(現(xiàn)分)-watching, sit(現(xiàn)分)-sitting, read(現(xiàn)在分詞)-reading, write(現(xiàn)在分詞)-writing, do(現(xiàn)在分詞)-doing, play(現(xiàn)在分詞)---playing,


  1.watch TV / read the newspaper/write a letter

  2.What else can you find in the living room?

  3. Do you like this show? Yes,I do/No,I don’t.

  4. in the corner. Everyone in the living room is quiet.

  Lesson 7 On the school bus

  一、單詞:always,usually, sometimes, never, bus stop, bus driver, school bus


  1. 祈使句:Don’t go there./ Don’t forget your umbrellas.

  2. 頻率副詞用法:一般都放在行為動(dòng)詞之前,助動(dòng)詞和情態(tài)動(dòng)詞之后。

  如:He never wears dresses./ I never walk.

  1. I live too far from school. on the school bus.

  2. Do you usually go to school by …?

  Lesson 8 Li Ming meets Jenny’s class

  一、單詞:same(反義詞)different,subject,class,math\science\art\PE\music, have lunch\supper\breakfast


  1. Where are you from?I am from China.你來自哪里?我來自中國(guó)。

  2、what subjects do you have in your school?we have math...

  3、How many classes do you have each school day? Three classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.

  Lesson 9 Mr.Wood teaches a lesson

  一、單詞:temperature, shape(形狀), line, circle, square, triangle,degree(復(fù)數(shù))degrees,hot(反義詞)cold,outside(反義詞)inside,ill、healthy健康的


  1. How’s the weather today? It’s rainy.今天天氣怎樣?多雨。

  2. What’s the temperature? It’s ten degrees.氣溫多少度?十度。

  3. What’s your favourite shape? My favourite shape is a circle.

  4. How many lines make a triangle? Three.

  Lesson 10 How many are there?

  一、單詞: man(復(fù)數(shù))---men, woman(復(fù)數(shù))---women, child(復(fù)數(shù))---children


  1. This is a … / These are (some/many) …That is a … / Those are …

  2. Here is a … / Here are (some/many) …

  3. How many pens are there? There are ten pens。

  Lesson 11 Always do your homework!

  一、單詞: wear(同音詞)where。two(同音詞)too


  1. Do you always…? / Does he usually…?

  2. walk to school / help his mother / ride my bike / do your homework

  3. the same questions/ by bus / take the bus

  4. Let’s put…for…/ Let’s put…in…

  5、in Canada / on a rainy day / read a book / sing a song

  6、 How many triangles do you see?

  Lesson 13 Seasons

  一、單詞: spring, summer, fall(autumn), winter, scarf, ice, winter clothes、leaf(復(fù)數(shù))---leaves, rain(形容詞)rainy, wind(形容詞)windy, sun(形容詞)sunny, snow(形容詞)snowy,cloud(形容詞)cloudy


  1. What a hot, sunny day!多么熱、晴朗的天啊! put on / take off

  2,put on 表示穿的動(dòng)作,wear表示“穿著”的狀態(tài)。如:Please put on your sweater. / He wears a red jacket today.

  3. There are four seasons in a year.

  4. I like the rain, but I don’t like to get wet.

  5. What do you wear in winter / spring / summer / fall?

  Lesson 14 Snow! It’s winter!

  一、寫單詞: ski(現(xiàn)在分詞)skiing, teach(對(duì)應(yīng)詞)learn, outside(反義詞)inside, forget(過去式)forgot, put(現(xiàn)在分詞)putting、skate滑冰、ski滑雪


  1. November ninth 九月九日

  2. Jenny and Li Ming are getting ready for school.

  3. Snow is falling.

  4. Look out (of) the window! 朝窗外看!

  5. What do you like to do in winter?

  6. I like to skate on the ice. / I like to ski on the snow.

  7. Can you skate? / Can you teach me?

  8. I want to go outside to play in the snow.

  9. Why? Because it’s cold outside.

  10. Let’s go outside! / Let’s go inside!

  11. There he comes.吆,他來了。/ There! 瞧
