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2019年初中期末診斷英語閱讀理解:一場空難!這個世界上沒有任何一件事情是輕松的。但凡學而不費力的,都是在量變達成質變的基礎上產生的。首先,興趣是較好的老師,濃厚的興趣可培養(yǎng)同學們的求知欲,激起強大的學習動力,促使自己頑強拼搏,努力學習。下面小編為大家?guī)?span style="color:#f00;">2019年初中期末診斷英語閱讀理解:一場空難。
When a light passenger plane flew off course[1] some time ago, something was wrong with it and it crashed[2] in the mountains and its pilot[3] was killed. The only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters,were unhurt. It was the middle of winter.Snow lay thick on the ground.The woman knew that the nearest village was kilometres away.She couldn't find anything in the snow but a suit-case[4]. When it grew dark, she turned the suit-case into a bed and put the children inside it, covering[5] them with all the clothes she could find. During the night, it got terribly cold. The woman kept as near as she could to the children and even tried to get into the case herself, but it was too small. Early next morning, she heard planes flying above and wanted to know how she could send a signal[6]. Then she had an idea. She wrote the letters 'SOS' in the snow. Luckily, a pilot saw the signal and sent a message by radio to the nearest town. It was not long before a group of people arrived and they took the woman and her daughters to hospital at once.
Notes:[1]course/ks/n.跑道 [2]crash/kr/v.墜毀 [3]pilot/`paIlt/n.飛行員 [4]suit-case/`sju:tkeIs/n.行李箱 [5]cover/`kv/ v. 蓋 [6]signal/`sIgnl/n.信號
1.Where was something wrong with the plane?
2.How many people were in the light passenger plane before it crashed?
3.What did the woman make the suit-case into a bed for?
4.What did the plane fly over the mountain for?
5.Why did the woman write "SOS" on the snow?
6.What did the group of people go to the mountains for?
1.It was above the mountains.
2.There were four people in it.
3.She did it to put her daughters in it.
4.It flew there to look for them.
5.She wrote the letters to ask for help.
6.They went there to save them.