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2019年初中期末診斷英語作文:Who Decides Standard!我們知道,在寫作中想要自如地表達自己的思想,一定要有充足的詞匯量和扎實的語言功底,但實際上,很多初中生的詞匯量和語言底子都達不到要求,因此寫作的時候就無法暢所欲言,下面小編為大家?guī)?span style="color:#f00;">2019年初中期末診斷英語作文:Who Decides Standard。
標準由誰而定 Who Decides Standard
Weibo has been the most popular communicational tool. People use it to scan news and a lot of them like to make comments about the hot issues. Especially when the negative information has been delivered, people will criticize the people who did the bad things at first, but as more details has been exposed later, people start to change their opinions. So I always wonder about the public's value conception, as they change their opinions so quickly, which seems that they can't make their own judgment, and the media affect their decision all the time. So it is important to let the teenagers learn what is right and wrong, or they will follow the crowd easily.
這一期的2019年初中期末診斷英語作文:Who Decides Standard小編就介紹到這里,希望對有需要的同學提供幫助,在此小編祝大家都能取得自己想要的成績,度過一個快樂的寒假,更多試題輔導,請撥打免費咨詢電話:!