

課程咨詢(xún): 400-810-2680

預(yù)約高中1對(duì)1精品課程(面授/在線(xiàn)),滿(mǎn)足學(xué)員個(gè)性化學(xué)習(xí)需求 馬上報(bào)名↓



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當(dāng)前位置:北京學(xué)而思1對(duì)1 > 初中輔導(dǎo) > 北京中考二模考試 > 西城區(qū)中考二?荚 > 正文


2021-05-20 12:44:16  來(lái)源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理






  be /feel confident of sth /that clause +從句 感覺(jué)/對(duì)什么有信心,自

  be + doing 表:1 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí) 2 將來(lái)時(shí)

  be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原) 能夠……

  be afraid to do (of sth 恐懼,害怕……

  be allowed to do 被允許做什么

  be angry with sb 生某人的氣

  be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 為什么而生某人的氣

  be as…原級(jí)…as 和什么一樣 eg : She is as tall as me 她和我一樣高

  be ashamed to

  be away from 遠(yuǎn)離

  be away from 從……離開(kāi)

  be bad for 對(duì)什么有害

  be born 出生于

  be busy doing sth 忙于做什么事

  be busy with sth 忙于……

  be careful 當(dāng)心;小心

  be different from…… 和什么不一樣

  be famous for 以……著名

  be friendly to sb 對(duì)某人友好

  be from = come from 來(lái)自

  be full of 裝滿(mǎn)……的 be filled with 充滿(mǎn) eg: the glass is full of water the glass is filled with water

  be glad+to+do/從句

  be going to + v(原) 將來(lái)時(shí)

  be good at(+doing) = do well in 在某方面善長(zhǎng), 善于……

  be good for 對(duì)什么有好處

  be happy to do 很高興做某事

  be helpful to sb 對(duì)某人有好處

  be in good health 身體健康

  be in trouble 處于困難中

  be interested in 對(duì)某方面感興趣

  be late for = come late to 遲到 eg: Be late for class 上課遲到

  be like 像…… eg : I'm like my mother

  be mad at 生某人的氣

  be made from 由……制成(制成以后看不見(jiàn)原材料)

  be made of 由……制成(制成以后還看得見(jiàn)原材料)

  be not sure 表不確定

  be on a visit to 參觀(guān)

  be popular with sb 受某人歡迎

  be quiet 安靜

  be short for 表**的縮寫(xiě) eg: 陶 is short for 陶俊杰

  be sick in bed 生病在床

  be sorry to do sth be sorry for sb eg : I am sorry for you

  be sorry to hear that

  be sorry to trouble sb

  be strict in doing sth 嚴(yán)于做某事

  be strict with sb 對(duì)某人要求嚴(yán)格

  be strict with sb in sth 某方面對(duì)某人嚴(yán)格

  be supposed to do 被要求干什么

  be sure 表確定

  be sure of doing sth 對(duì)做某事有信心

  be sure of sth 對(duì)做某事有信心

  be sure that sth 對(duì)做某事有信心

  be sure to do sth一定會(huì)做某事

  eg:We are sure to learn English well 我們一定能學(xué)好英語(yǔ)

  be terrified of + 名/動(dòng)doing 害怕……

  be terrified to do sth 害怕做某事

  be the same as … 和什么一樣

  be used to doing sth 習(xí)慣做某事

  eg:My father is used to getting up early 我爸爸習(xí)慣早

  be worth doing 值得做什么

  be(feel) afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 be afraid of sth 害怕某物 be afraid that 叢句

  because+句子 because of +短語(yǔ)

  eg : He was late because he had a headache He was late because of his headache

  begin to do = start to do 開(kāi)始做某事 start…with…=begin…with… 以什么開(kāi)始什么

  between…and… 兩者之間

  borrow sth from sb 向……借……

  lend sth to sb ( lend sb sth 借給……什么東西

  both = the same(as) = not different(from) 表相同

  bother 打擾 bother sb to do sth

  eg : I'm sorry to bother you ,but can you tell me to way to the station 我十分道歉打擾你,但是你能告訴我怎么去車(chē)站

  by the end of 到……為止







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