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當(dāng)前位置:北京學(xué)而思1對1 > 初中教育 > 初中政策 > 正文


2021-02-09 23:16:16  來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理


北京關(guān)于疫情期間學(xué)習(xí)計劃的英語作文!放假在家的時候,制定學(xué)習(xí)計劃的時候還要結(jié)合孩子的學(xué)習(xí)進(jìn)度、學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容來制定,不要自己想當(dāng)然的制定學(xué)習(xí)計劃,還要結(jié)合孩子的興趣愛好來制定,增加計劃的可執(zhí)行性。下面,小編為大家?guī)?span style="color:#f00;">北京關(guān)于疫情期間學(xué)習(xí)計劃的英語作文。


This is a special spring festival, a different holiday, for everyone, is a test, a test of self-control.

The inflection point of the epidemic has not yet appeared, and the school opening time has been delayed again and again. Parents are afraid of the impact of the epidemic and worried about their children's learning. Those students in the graduation class in the circle of friends also expect the school to start abnormally. They miss the school and teachers. The epidemic is not over. How can we face the new semester's learning?

The school teachers assign homework every day and ask the parents to punch in the cards. Every day, they should learn about the battle situation, understand the spirit of the epidemic situation, and understand the current affairs. On the first day, everyone is very active, and on the second day, they are more active. On the third and fourth days, only a few people may still adhere to it, focusing on persistence and self-control. The epidemic situation should make us realize that learning is the solution to most of life The key to the problem, so don't forget to learn.

So what should parents do? All of a sudden, all of the pressure on parents.


First, we should popularize epidemic knowledge to children, understand the causes and consequences of the epidemic, and make them love nature more;

Second, understand the Chinese spirit and the people's strength under the epidemic situation, learn from the example, supplement energy and enrich their spiritual world;

Third, review the past knowledge and learn from the past. If your foundation is not good, now is the time for you to catch up with the people ahead and understand the real meaning of learning;

Fourth, learn to discover "beauty in the epidemic", cherish the present time, get together with your family, learn more labor skills, and learn to arm yourself with the spirit of the epidemic;

Fifthly, there are beauties in the book and golden houses in the book. If life is too monotonous, read more books, you will improve your reading ability and cultivate your good habits. As long as it is your hobbies, you can develop more at this time.

Finally, it is important to persist. If you want to become more excellent, you must persist. Only by persisting can you reach the other side of success. Only by understanding with heart can you realize the true meaning of life

Wish you and me a warm and better life after the epidemic!








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